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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Toluene - C7H8 (CAS# - 108-88-3)

Toluene - C7H8 (CAS# - 108-88-3)

Toluene, also known as methylbenzene or toluol, is a colorless, aromatic hydrocarbon with the chemical formula C7H8. Here are some details about toluene:

 1. Chemical Formula: C7H8

2. CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Number: 108-88-3

3. Molecular Weight: Approximately 92.14 g/mol

4. Physical Properties:

   - Appearance: Toluene is a clear, colorless liquid with a sweet, aromatic odor.

   - Density: Approximately 0.87 g/cm³ at 20°C (68°F).

   - Melting Point: -95°C (-139°F)

   - Boiling Point: 110.6°C (231.1°F)

   - Solubility: Toluene is sparingly soluble in water but highly soluble in organic solvents.

 5. Chemical Properties:

   - Toluene is an aromatic hydrocarbon, consisting of a benzene ring with a methyl group (-CH3) attached.

   - It is a volatile and flammable liquid with a high vapor pressure at room temperature.

   - Toluene undergoes substitution reactions similar to benzene, forming methyl-substituted derivatives such as ortho-, meta-, and para-toluenesulfonic acid.

 6. Production:

   - Toluene is primarily produced as a byproduct of petroleum refining and coal tar distillation.

   - It can also be synthesized from benzene through various chemical processes, including alkylation and disproportionation.

 7. Uses:

   - Solvent: Toluene is a versatile solvent used in various industrial applications, including paint thinners, coatings, adhesives, and cleaning agents.

   - Chemical Intermediate: It serves as a raw material for the production of numerous organic compounds, including benzene, xylene, phenol, and explosives such as trinitrotoluene (TNT).

   - Fuel Additive: Toluene is used as a blending agent in gasoline to improve octane ratings and enhance engine performance.

   - Adhesive and Rubber Industry: It is used as a solvent in the manufacture of adhesives, rubber, and synthetic polymers.

   - Laboratory Reagent: Toluene is used as a solvent and reagent in laboratory settings for extraction, chromatography, and organic synthesis.

 8. Health and Safety:

   - Toluene exposure can cause health effects such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, and respiratory irritation.

   - Prolonged or high-level exposure to toluene vapor can lead to more severe health problems, including neurological effects such as confusion, memory loss, and damage to the central nervous system.

   - Toluene is flammable and poses a fire and explosion hazard. Proper handling, storage, and ventilation are essential to minimize risks.

   - Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, goggles, and respiratory protection, should be used when handling toluene to prevent skin contact, eye irritation, and inhalation of vapors.

 Toluene is a valuable chemical with diverse industrial applications, but its toxicity and flammability require careful handling and safety precautions to ensure safe usage.

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!