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Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) - NaOH (CAS# - 1310-73-2)

Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) - NaOH (CAS# - 1310-73-2)

Sodium hydroxide, commonly known as caustic soda, is a highly versatile and widely used chemical compound with various industrial applications. It is a strong alkaline compound and is typically available in the form of solid flakes, pellets, or solutions.

 Here are the details of Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) along with its CAS number:

 Chemical Formula: NaOH

CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Number: 1310-73-2

Molecular Weight: Approximately 40.00 g/mol

Physical Properties:

Appearance: Sodium hydroxide is typically found as a white solid in its pure form.

Melting Point: 318.4 °C (604.1 °F)

Boiling Point: 1,388 °C (2,530 °F)

Density: 2.13 g/cm³ (solid)

Solubility: Highly soluble in water, forming a strongly alkaline solution.

 Sodium hydroxide is produced through the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of sodium chloride (brine) in a process called the chlor-alkali process. It is a white, hygroscopic solid at room temperature and is highly soluble in water, forming a strongly alkaline solution.

 Here are some common uses of Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda):

 1. Chemical Manufacturing: Sodium hydroxide is used in the manufacture of various chemicals, including detergents, soaps, bleach, textiles, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, and organic chemicals.

 2. Water Treatment: Sodium hydroxide is used in water treatment processes to adjust pH levels, neutralize acidity, and remove heavy metals and other impurities from water.

 3. Food Processing: Sodium hydroxide is used in the food industry for various purposes, including food processing, cleaning and sanitation, pH adjustment, and as a food additive (E number E524) in some food products.

 4. Aluminum Production: Sodium hydroxide is used in the production of aluminum from bauxite ore through the Bayer process, where it helps dissolve and extract alumina from the ore.

 5. Cleaning and Sanitation: Sodium hydroxide is used as a cleaning agent and degreaser in household and industrial cleaning products, as well as in sanitation and disinfection applications.

 6. Petroleum Industry: Sodium hydroxide is used in the petroleum industry for oil refining, drilling muds, and petrochemical processes, such as the production of biodiesel.

 Sodium hydroxide is valued for its strong alkaline properties, which make it effective in various industrial processes and applications. However, it is a highly corrosive substance and should be handled with care to avoid skin and eye contact, inhalation of fumes, and ingestion. Proper safety precautions, including the use of protective equipment and adequate ventilation, should be observed when handling sodium hydroxide.

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!