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Sodium Chloride – NaCl (CAS# - 7647-14-5)

Sodium Chloride – NaCl (CAS# - 7647-14-5)

Sodium chloride (NaCl), commonly known as table salt, is an essential compound with numerous industrial, culinary, and medical applications. It is a crystalline solid with a characteristic salty taste.

 Here are the details of Sodium Chloride along with its CAS number:

 Chemical formula: NaCl

CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) number: 7647-14-5

Molecular weight: 58.44 g/mol

Density: 2.16 g/cm³ (solid)

Melting point: 801 °C (1474 °F; 1074 K)

Boiling point: 1413 °C (2575.4 °F; 1686 K)

Solubility in water: Highly soluble, forming a clear, colorless solution

 Sodium chloride is composed of sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-) arranged in a cubic crystal lattice structure. It is naturally abundant and is found in seawater, salt deposits, and underground brine reservoirs.

 Here are some common uses of Sodium Chloride:

 1. Food Seasoning: Sodium chloride is primarily used as a seasoning and flavor enhancer in various cuisines worldwide. It adds saltiness to food products, enhances flavors, and balances sweetness and acidity.

 2. Food Preservation: Sodium chloride is used as a preservative in food processing to extend the shelf life of perishable foods such as meat, fish, pickles, and canned vegetables. It inhibits the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and molds by reducing water activity.

 3. Chemical Manufacturing: Sodium chloride is used as a raw material in the production of various chemicals, including chlorine, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and sodium carbonate (soda ash). It is also used in the manufacture of detergents, soaps, and textile dyes.

 4. Water Softening: Sodium chloride is used in water softening systems to regenerate ion exchange resins that remove calcium and magnesium ions from hard water. It helps prevent the buildup of scale in pipes, appliances, and boilers.

 5. Medical Applications: Sodium chloride solutions, such as saline solution (0.9% NaCl), are used in intravenous fluids for hydration, electrolyte balance, and the dilution of medications. It is also used in nasal sprays, eye drops, and wound irrigation solutions.

 6. Deicing: Sodium chloride is used as a deicing agent to melt ice and snow on roads, sidewalks, and runways during winter weather conditions. It lowers the freezing point of water and helps prevent the formation of ice.

 Sodium chloride is a vital compound with diverse applications in various industries and daily life. However, excessive consumption of salt can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disorders. It is essential to consume sodium chloride in moderation as part of a balanced diet..

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!