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Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Soda Ash- Na2CO3 (CAS# - 497-19-8)

Soda Ash- Na2CO3 (CAS# - 497-19-8)

Soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), is a white, odorless powder or granular substance with various industrial and household uses. Here are some details about soda ash:

 1. Chemical Formula: Na2CO3

2. CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Number: 497-19-8

3. Molecular Weight: Approximately 105.99 g/mol

4. Physical Properties:

   - Appearance: Soda ash can be found in the form of a white, crystalline powder or granules.

   - Density: The density of soda ash varies depending on its form and density, but typically ranges from 2.53 g/cm³ to 2.59 g/cm³.

   - Melting Point: Soda ash has a high melting point of around 851°C (1564°F).

   - Solubility: It is highly soluble in water, producing an alkaline solution.

 5. Chemical Properties:

   - Soda ash is a salt that consists of sodium cations (Na+) and carbonate anions (CO3^2-).

   - It is a strong base and can neutralize acids, forming sodium salts and carbon dioxide gas.

   - Soda ash can undergo reactions such as precipitation, crystallization, and hydration depending on the conditions.

 6. Production:

   - Soda ash is primarily produced through the Solvay process, which involves the reaction of sodium chloride (salt), ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water to produce sodium carbonate.

   - It can also be produced from trona ore, a naturally occurring mineral, through mining and refining processes.

 7. Uses:

   - Glass Manufacturing: Soda ash is a key ingredient in the production of glass, where it is used as a flux to lower the melting point of silica sand and improve the workability of the molten glass.

   - Detergent Production: It is used as a builder or water softener in detergent formulations to enhance cleaning efficiency by removing mineral deposits and improving lathering.

   - Water Treatment: Soda ash is used in water treatment processes to adjust pH levels and neutralize acidic water.

   - Paper and Pulp Industry: It is used in the paper and pulp industry as a pH regulator and in the production of sodium sulfite, a bleaching agent.

   - Chemical Manufacturing: Soda ash serves as a raw material for the production of various chemicals, including sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium silicate, and sodium phosphate.

 8. Health and Safety:

   - Soda ash is generally considered safe for handling and use when proper precautions are taken.

   - Direct contact with soda ash may cause mild irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Prolonged exposure or inhalation of dust may lead to more serious health effects.

   - Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, goggles, and respiratory protection, should be worn when handling soda ash to minimize exposure.

 Soda ash is a versatile chemical with numerous industrial applications, particularly in glass manufacturing, detergent production, and water treatment. Its alkaline properties and solubility make it a valuable ingredient in various processes, but care should be taken to ensure safe handling and usage.

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!