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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Ethyl acetate - CH₃COOC₂H₅ (CAS# - 141-78-6)

Ethyl acetate - CH₃COOC₂H₅ (CAS# - 141-78-6)

Here are the detailed properties and uses of ethyl acetate, which has the molecular formula CH₃COOC₂H₅:

Chemical Information:

  • Chemical Name: Ethyl Acetate
  • CAS Number: 141-78-6
  • Molecular Formula: C₄H₈O₂ (CH₃COOC₂H₅)
  • Structure: An ester derived from ethanol and acetic acid. It consists of an acetyl group (CH₃CO-) connected to an ethoxy group (C₂H₅O-).

Physical Properties:

  • Molecular Weight: 88.11 g/mol
  • Appearance: Colorless liquid
  • Odor: Sweet, fruity odor
  • Density: 0.897 g/cm³ at 20°C
  • Melting Point: -83.6°C
  • Boiling Point: 77.1°C
  • Solubility: Slightly soluble in water (8.3 g/100 mL at 20°C); fully miscible with organic solvents such as ethanol, acetone, and benzene.

Chemical Properties:

  • Reactivity: Ethyl acetate can undergo hydrolysis in the presence of strong acids or bases, yielding ethanol and acetic acid. It is relatively stable under normal conditions.
  • Flammability: Highly flammable liquid with a flash point of -4°C.


  • Solvent: Commonly used in paints, coatings, adhesives, and inks due to its excellent solvent properties and rapid evaporation rate.
  • Chemical Intermediate: Utilized in the synthesis of various chemicals, including pharmaceuticals and synthetic flavors.
  • Extraction Solvent: Employed in the extraction processes for different compounds in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Laboratory Applications: Frequently used as a solvent in chromatography and other laboratory procedures.

Safety Information:

  • Hazards: Ethyl acetate can cause irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Inhalation of high concentrations can lead to central nervous system depression, dizziness, and headache.
  • Handling: Should be handled with proper protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, and protective clothing. Ensure good ventilation or use in a fume hood to avoid inhalation of vapors.
  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from sources of ignition and incompatible materials like strong acids or bases. Containers should be kept tightly closed to prevent evaporation and contamination.

Environmental Impact:

  • Biodegradability: Ethyl acetate is readily biodegradable and does not persist in the environment.
  • Ecotoxicity: It can be toxic to aquatic life in high concentrations, so measures should be taken to prevent its release into the environment.

Regulatory Information:

  • OSHA PEL: 400 ppm (1400 mg/m³)
  • ACGIH TLV: 400 ppm (1440 mg/m³)

Ethyl acetate is widely used in various industrial and laboratory settings due to its effectiveness as a solvent and its relatively low toxicity compared to other organic solvents. Proper handling and storage are essential to ensure safety and environmental protection.

         If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!
