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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Ethane - C2H6 (CAS# - 74-84-0)

Ethane - C2H6 (CAS# - 74-84-0)

Ethane is a simple hydrocarbon molecule with the chemical formula C2H6. It is a colorless, odorless, and flammable gas at room temperature and pressure. Ethane is a member of the alkane family, characterized by its saturated carbon-carbon single bonds.

 Here are some key details about ethane along with its CAS number:

 - Chemical formula: C2H6

- Molecular weight: Approximately 30.07 g/mol

- CAS Number: 74-84-0

- Appearance: Colorless gas

- Odor: Odorless

- Melting point: Approximately -182.8°C (-297°F)

- Boiling point: Approximately -88.6°C (-127.5°F)

- Density: Approximately 1.356 kg/m³ (gas at 0°C and 1 atm)

 Ethane is primarily used as a feedstock in the petrochemical industry for the production of ethylene, which is one of the most important raw materials for the manufacture of plastics, synthetic rubber, and various chemical intermediates. Ethylene is produced by the steam cracking of ethane or ethane-containing natural gas liquids.

 Additionally, ethane has some other minor applications:

 1. Fuel: Ethane can be used as a fuel for heating and cooking in areas where natural gas is available.

 2. Refrigeration: Ethane can be liquefied under pressure and used as a refrigerant in certain applications, although its use is less common compared to other refrigerants due to safety concerns.

 3. Chemical synthesis: Ethane can serve as a starting material for the synthesis of various organic compounds in laboratory and industrial settings.

 While ethane itself has limited direct uses, its conversion to ethylene opens up numerous applications across industries, making it a crucial molecule in the global petrochemical industry.

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!
