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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Diethanolamine – NH(CH₂CH₂OH)₂ (CAS# - 111-42-2)

Diethanolamine – NH(CH₂CH₂OH)₂ (CAS# - 111-42-2)

Here are the details for diethanolamine, which has the molecular formula NH(CH₂CH₂OH)₂:

Chemical Information:

  • Chemical Name: Diethanolamine
  • CAS Number: 111-42-2
  • Molecular Formula: C₄H₁₁NO₂
  • Structure: Diethanolamine consists of an amine group (NH) bonded to two ethanol groups (CH₂CH₂OH).

Physical Properties:

  • Molecular Weight: 105.14 g/mol
  • Appearance: Colorless to pale yellow, viscous liquid or crystalline solid
  • Odor: Ammonia-like odor
  • Density: 1.097 g/cm³ at 20°C
  • Melting Point: 28°C
  • Boiling Point: 268°C
  • Solubility: Miscible with water, ethanol, and most organic solvents.

Chemical Properties:

  • Reactivity: Diethanolamine is a weak base and can react with acids to form salts. It can also undergo reactions typical of alcohols and amines, such as esterification and amination.
  • Flammability: Not considered highly flammable, but can decompose at high temperatures producing toxic gases like nitrogen oxides.


  • Surfactants and Detergents: Used in the manufacture of surfactants, soaps, and shampoos due to its ability to form stable emulsions.
  • Corrosion Inhibitors: Utilized in metalworking fluids and other applications to prevent corrosion.
  • Gas Scrubbing: Employed in gas treatment processes to remove acid gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.
  • Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics: Used as an intermediate in the production of various pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products.
  • Other Applications: Found in the production of agricultural chemicals, textile additives, and polyurethane foams.

Safety Information:

  • Hazards: Diethanolamine is an irritant and can cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation. Prolonged or repeated exposure can lead to liver and kidney damage, and it is a potential carcinogen.
  • Handling: Should be handled with proper protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, and protective clothing. Use in a well-ventilated area or fume hood to avoid inhalation of vapors.
  • Storage: Store in a cool, dry place away from sources of ignition and incompatible materials like strong acids and oxidizers. Containers should be kept tightly closed to prevent contamination and evaporation.

Environmental Impact:

  • Biodegradability: Diethanolamine is biodegradable, but its degradation products can be harmful to aquatic life.
  • Ecotoxicity: It can be toxic to aquatic organisms, and care should be taken to prevent its release into the environment.

Regulatory Information:

  • OSHA PEL: Not established
  • ACGIH TLV: 2 mg/m³ (inhalable fraction and vapor)

Diethanolamine is widely used in various industrial and consumer products due to its versatility and effectiveness. However, due to its potential health hazards, it should be handled with care, and appropriate safety measures should be taken to minimize exposure.

         If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!
