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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Caustic Soda Pearls – NaOH – (CAS# - 1310-73-2)

Caustic Soda Pearls – NaOH – (CAS# - 1310-73-2)

Caustic soda pearls, also known as sodium hydroxide pearls or sodium hydroxide pellets, are solid, white, opaque beads or pellets of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Here's a detailed overview along with its CAS number:

 1. Chemical Name: Caustic Soda Pearls

2. Common Names: Sodium Hydroxide Pearls, Sodium Hydroxide Pellets

3. Chemical Formula: NaOH

4. CAS Number: 1310-73-2

5. Molecular Weight: Approximately 40.00 g/mol

6. Appearance: Caustic soda pearls are typically white, opaque, spherical beads or pellets.

7. Purity: Commercial grades of caustic soda pearls typically range from 96% to 99% pure, with higher purity grades available for specific applications.

 8. Physical Properties:

   - Melting Point: Caustic soda pearls have a melting point of approximately 318°C (604°F).

   - Solubility: Caustic soda pearls are highly soluble in water, with the dissolution process generating heat. The solubility increases with temperature.

   - Density: The density of caustic soda pearls is approximately 2.13 g/cm³.

 9. Production:

   - Caustic soda pearls are typically produced through the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride (brine) in a process called the chlor-alkali process.

   - In this process, sodium hydroxide is produced at the cathode (negative electrode) and chlorine gas is produced at the anode (positive electrode).

   - The sodium hydroxide is then purified, concentrated, and solidified into pearls or pellets.

 10. Uses:

    - Chemical Manufacturing: Caustic soda pearls are used as a key raw material in the production of various chemicals, including organic and inorganic compounds.

    - Soap and Detergent Industry: Caustic soda pearls are used in the saponification process to produce soap from fats and oils. They are also used as an alkaline builder in detergent formulations.

    - Water Treatment: Caustic soda pearls are used in water treatment processes for pH adjustment, neutralization of acidic wastewater, and removal of heavy metals through precipitation reactions.

    - Petroleum Industry: Caustic soda pearls are used in petroleum refining processes, such as in the production of biodiesel, as well as in drilling muds and well stimulation.

    - Textile Industry: Caustic soda pearls are used in textile processing, particularly in mercerization, bleaching, and pH adjustment of fibers and fabrics.

 11. Safety:

    - Caustic soda pearls are highly corrosive and can cause severe burns to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract upon contact.

    - Proper handling procedures, including the use of gloves, goggles, and protective clothing, should be followed when working with caustic soda pearls.

    - Spills should be promptly cleaned up using neutralizing agents and appropriate safety equipment.

    - Inhalation of caustic soda dust should be avoided, and adequate ventilation should be provided in areas where caustic soda pearls are used or stored.

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!
