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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Carbon Black - C (CAS# - 1333-86-4)

Carbon Black - C (CAS# - 1333-86-4)

"Carbon black" typically refers to a fine black powder consisting predominantly of elemental carbon. It is produced by incomplete combustion or thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons, such as coal tar, petroleum, or natural gas. Carbon black is widely used as a reinforcing filler in rubber products, such as tires, as well as in inks, coatings, plastics, and various other applications.

 Here are some key details about carbon black:

 1. Production: Carbon black is typically produced by either the furnace process or the thermal process. In the furnace process, hydrocarbons are burned in a limited supply of air or oxygen, producing carbon black as a byproduct. The thermal process involves the decomposition of hydrocarbons at high temperatures in the absence of air.

 2. Properties: Carbon black particles are extremely small, typically less than 100 nanometers in size. This gives carbon black its characteristic black color and high surface area, which imparts desirable properties to materials it is mixed with, such as improved strength, abrasion resistance, and UV protection.

 3. Applications:

   - Rubber Industry: One of the primary uses of carbon black is as a reinforcing filler in rubber products, particularly tires, where it improves wear resistance, tensile strength, and tear resistance.

   - Inks and Pigments: Carbon black is widely used as a pigment in printing inks, paints, and coatings due to its intense black color and UV stability.

   - Plastics: It is also used as a pigment and reinforcing agent in plastics to improve properties such as conductivity, UV resistance, and mechanical strength.

   - Other Applications: Carbon black finds applications in diverse industries, including batteries, electronics, and construction materials.

 4. Types: Carbon black comes in various grades and types, depending on factors such as particle size, structure, and surface area. These different types are tailored to specific applications to achieve desired properties.

 5. Health and Safety: While carbon black itself is generally regarded as non-toxic, inhalation of carbon black dust can cause respiratory issues. Proper handling procedures, such as dust control measures, are necessary to minimize health risks associated with its use.

 Carbon black is a versatile material with widespread industrial applications due to its unique properties and ease of production. Its importance in various industries, particularly in rubber manufacturing and printing, makes it a valuable commodity in the global market.

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!