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Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Acetone - CH3COCH3 (CAS# - 67-64-1)

Acetone - CH3COCH3 (CAS# - 67-64-1)

Acetone, also known as propanone, is a colorless, volatile, and flammable liquid with the chemical formula CH3COCH3. Here are some details about acetone:

 1. Chemical Formula; CH3COCH3

2. CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) Number: 67-64-1

3. Molecular Weight: Approximately 58.08 g/mol

4. Physical Properties:

   - Appearance: Acetone is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor that is reminiscent of nail polish remover.

   - Density: Approximately 0.79 g/cm³ at 20°C (68°F).

   - Melting Point: -94.7°C (-138.5°F)

   - Boiling Point: 56.05°C (132.89°F)

   - Solubility: Miscible with water and many organic solvents.

 5. Chemical Properties:

   - Acetone is a ketone, characterized by the carbonyl functional group (C=O) bonded to two carbon atoms.

   - It is a polar, aprotic solvent, meaning it can dissolve a wide range of polar and nonpolar substances and does not donate hydrogen ions (protons).

   - Acetone undergoes various chemical reactions, including oxidation to form acetone peroxide and haloform reaction with halogens in the presence of base.

 6. Production:

   - Acetone is primarily produced by the cumene process, which involves the reaction of benzene and propylene to form cumene, followed by oxidation of cumene to produce phenol and acetone.

 7. Uses:

   - Solvent: Acetone is widely used as a solvent in various industrial and laboratory applications, including paint thinners, nail polish removers, adhesives, coatings, and cleaning agents.

   - Chemical Intermediate: It serves as a precursor for the synthesis of numerous organic compounds, including methyl methacrylate, bisphenol-A, and pharmaceuticals.

   - Nail Polish Remover: Acetone is commonly used as the active ingredient in nail polish removers due to its ability to dissolve and remove nail polish quickly and efficiently.

   - Extraction and Purification: It is used for extraction and purification processes in chemical and pharmaceutical industries due to its high solubility and low boiling point.

   - Cleaning Agent: Acetone is used as a degreaser and cleaning agent for removing oil, grease, and other contaminants from surfaces and equipment.

 8. Health and Safety;

   - Acetone is relatively safe for use when handled properly, but it can be harmful if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin in large amounts.

   - It is flammable and should be stored in tightly sealed containers away from heat, flames, and oxidizing agents.

   - Exposure to acetone vapor can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat, and prolonged exposure may cause headaches, dizziness, and central nervous system depression.

   - Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and goggles, should be worn when handling acetone, and adequate ventilation should be provided in work areas to minimize exposure.

 Acetone is a versatile solvent with numerous industrial, commercial, and household applications. However, its flammability and potential health hazards require proper handling, storage, and safety precautions to ensure safe usage.

 If you need further information or have specific questions, feel free to ask!