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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

Application Details

Publication Opportunity in Conference Associated Event

Water Treatment Industry

Water treatment chemicals encompass a wide range of substances used to improve the quality and safety of water by removing contaminants, pathogens, and impurities. These chemicals are essential for various water treatment processes, including purification, disinfection, filtration, and corrosion control. Here are some common types of water treatment chemicals:

 Chlorine-based Disinfectants (CAS#-7681-52-9| 7778-54-3| 7782-50-5| 127-65-1| 87-90-1)

Examples: Chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide.

Function: Kill or deactivate pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, protozoa) in water to prevent waterborne diseases.

 Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) (CAS# - 1327-41-9)

Function: Coagulant used to destabilize and aggregate suspended particles and colloids in water, facilitating their removal by sedimentation or filtration.

 Polyacrylamide (PAM) (CAS# - 9003-05-8)

Function: Flocculant used to promote the aggregation and settling of suspended particles and flocs in water, improving water clarity.

 Activated Carbon (CAS# - 7440-44-0

Function: Adsorbent used to remove organic contaminants, odors, colors, and tastes from water by adsorption.

 Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) - NaOH (CAS# - 1310-73-2)

Function: pH adjuster used to control and optimize the pH level of water during treatment processes.

 Hydrogen Peroxide - H2O2 (CAS# - 7722-84-1)

Function: Disinfectant and oxidizing agent used to kill microorganisms and oxidize organic and inorganic contaminants in water.

 Sulfuric Acid - H2SO4 (CAS# - 7664-93-9)

Function: pH adjuster used to lower the pH of water and neutralize alkaline substances during treatment processes.

 Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) - NaClO (CAS# - 7681-52-9)

Function: Chlorine-based disinfectant used to kill microorganisms and sanitize water.

 Ferric Chloride - FeCl3 (CAS# - 7705-08-0)

Function: Coagulant used for the removal of suspended solids, color, and phosphorus from water.

 Calcium Hypochlorite - Ca(ClO)2 (CAS# - 7778-54-3)

Function: Chlorine-based disinfectant used for the disinfection of water and wastewater.

 These products illustrate only a fraction of the water treatement products available, highlighting the vast array of applications and industries dependent on them. If you need information on other specific products, feel free to let us know, and we'll do our utmost to assist you.