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The Chemical Brothers Group
Global Partner in Bulk Chemicals

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Other Bulk Chemicals

Soda Ash- Na2CO3 (CAS# - 497-19-8)

Soda Ash also known as sodium carbonate, is utilized in the manufacturing of glass, including flat glass for windows and glassware. Additionally, it serves as a crucial ingredient in the production of detergents and other cleaning products, acting as a pH regulator and water softener. In industrial processes, soda ash is used for water treatment, metallurgy, and in the manufacturing of chemicals such as sodium bicarbonate and sodium silicate.

 Caustic Soda - NaOH (CAS# - 1310-73-2) 

Caustic soda plays a crucial role in paper and pulp manufacturing by breaking down lignin and separating cellulose fibers. It is also employed in the textile industry to mercerize cotton, improving its strength, luster, and dye affinity. Additionally, it finds extensive use in the chemical industry for producing detergents, soaps, and synthetic fibers.

 Liquid Chlorine - Cl2 (CAS# - 7782-50-5)

Liquid chlorine is essential for disinfecting water in treatment plants and pools, as well as sanitizing surfaces in food processing. It's a key ingredient in chemical manufacturing, bleaching textiles and paper, and producing PVC for construction. Additionally, it's used in medical settings for wound disinfection and in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals.

 Liquid Bromine - Br2 (CAS# - 7726-95-6)

Liquid Bromine, it serves as a crucial component in flame retardants, particularly in textiles and plastics, ensuring fire safety. In agriculture, it acts as a pesticide and soil fumigant, aiding in crop protection and soil health. The pharmaceutical industry utilizes it in drug manufacturing processes. In water treatment, bromine-based compounds function as effective disinfectants, ensuring water purity. In the oil and gas sector, it's utilized in drilling and completion fluids for well maintenance. Additionally, it plays a role in the production of dyes, medicines, and photographic chemicals.

 Aluminium Fluoride - AlF3 (CAS# - 7784-18-1)

Aluminium fluoride, or aluminum trifluoride, is used in aluminum production to lower the melting point of alumina, in ceramics manufacturing to improve firing properties, in the glass industry to enhance optical and mechanical properties, as a catalyst in chemical reactions, in pharmaceutical synthesis, and in various other industries including abrasives, welding fluxes, and aluminum alloy production.

 Calcium Carbide - CaC2 (CAS# - 75-20-7)

Calcium carbide is primarily utilized for producing acetylene gas, crucial in various industries. It's essential in welding and cutting processes and historically used in carbide lamps. Additionally, it has applications in desulfurization in the steel industry and limited use in fruit ripening and soil treatment. Overall, its main role lies in providing acetylene gas for diverse industrial purposes.

 Carbon Black - C (CAS# - 1333-86-4)

Carbon Black, a versatile fine black powder, is extensively used across industries. It's a crucial ingredient in tire manufacturing, enhancing durability and strength. In rubber products, it improves mechanical properties and UV resistance. Added to plastics, it enhances conductivity, UV resistance, and color intensity. As a pigment in inks and coatings, it provides color, opacity, and UV protection. Employed in electronics for conductivity and EMI shielding, and in construction materials for strength and durability. It's used in pigments, automotive components, inkjet printing, and battery manufacturing.

 Phenol - C6​H5​OH (CAS# - 108-95-2)

Phenol serves as a precursor in chemical production, an antimicrobial agent in disinfectants, a key component in adhesives, and a versatile ingredient in pharmaceuticals and industrial processes, while also being utilized as a preservative in cosmetics.

 Methanol - CH3OH (CAS# - 67-56-1)

Methanol, a versatile alcohol, has diverse applications. It's used as a fuel additive, solvent, antifreeze, and in chemical synthesis for producing formaldehyde, acetic acid, and other chemicals. Additionally, it's utilized in the production of plastics, paints, adhesives, and pharmaceuticals. In the automotive industry, it's employed in fuel blending and as a cleaner for windshield washer fluid. Moreover, it serves as a feedstock for biodiesel production and as a denaturant for ethanol.

 Citric Acid - C6H8O7 (CAS# - 77-92-9)

Citric acid is used in the food and beverage industry, it serves as a flavoring agent, preservative, and acidity regulator. The pharmaceutical sector utilizes it in formulations like effervescent tablets and syrups. It's added to cosmetics and personal care items for its antioxidant properties and pH adjustment abilities. As a chelating agent, it aids in removing mineral deposits in cleaning products. Its industrial uses include water treatment, metal cleaning, and as a precursor for citrate salts production. Overall, citric acid plays a vital role in improving flavor, extending shelf life, and enhancing functionality in various consumer and industrial goods.

 Hydrobromic Acid - HBr (CAS# - 10035-10-6)

Hydrobromic Acid, it's a vital component in pharmaceutical manufacturing, aiding in the synthesis of medications. In organic synthesis, it acts as a reagent for various chemical reactions. Semiconductor manufacturing utilizes it for etching and cleaning processes. In petroleum refining, it's involved in alkylation reactions. Water treatment employs it for pH adjustment and disinfection, while the food and beverage industry uses it as an acidity regulator and preservative. Additionally, it's essential for laboratory research and analysis.

 Menthol - C10H20O (CAS# - 2216-51-5)

Menthol, derived from mint oils, finds versatile applications across industries. It's widely used in pharmaceuticals for its analgesic and cooling properties in topical creams, cough drops, and throat lozenges. In personal care products, it adds a refreshing sensation to skincare items, lip balms, and shampoos. Additionally, menthol serves as a flavoring agent in food and beverages, especially in candies and chewing gum, providing a minty taste and cooling effect. It's utilized in oral care products for its breath-freshening qualities and in aromatherapy for its invigorating scent.

 Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate - MgCl2·6H2O (CAS# - 7791-18-6)

Magnesium chloride hexahydrate serves multiple purposes across various industries:

It is employed for deicing roads and sidewalks during winter months, ensuring safer travel conditions. Additionally, it is utilized for dust control on roads and construction sites, minimizing airborne particles and improving air quality. In water treatment, magnesium chloride hexahydrate is used to remove impurities and enhance water quality. Furthermore, it plays a role in the production of magnesium metal and other magnesium compounds, contributing to various manufacturing processes.

 Calcium Chloride - CaCl2 (CAS# - 10043-52-4)

Calcium chloride serves multiple purposes across industries: it's a staple deicing agent, preventing ice buildup on roads and sidewalks while also controlling dust and stabilizing soil on construction sites. In construction, it accelerates concrete setting and strengthens structures. Its desiccant properties make it valuable for absorbing moisture in industrial processes and food preservation. It's commonly added to food for texture and as a preservative. Additionally, it plays a role in water treatment by adjusting pH levels and removing impurities. In drilling, it stabilizes boreholes and controls viscosity. Medicinally, it's used for calcium supplementation and in treating certain medical conditions.

 Limestone - CaCO3 (CAS# - 1317-65-3)

Limestone is used in construction for buildings and roads, and in manufacturing for cement, steel, and chemical production. Additionally, it serves as a soil conditioner in agriculture to adjust pH levels and provide essential nutrients.

 Quartz - SiO2 (CAS# - 14808-60-7)

Quartz is a mineral composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2) found in various forms, including crystalline quartz, amethyst, and citrine. It is widely used in the production of glass, ceramics, electronics, and jewelry due to its hardness, transparency, and electrical properties.

 Talc - Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 (CAS# - 14807-96-6)

Talc, derived from the mineral talc, is widely used in industries such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and plastics for its softness, lubricating properties, and ability to absorb moisture. It is commonly employed in products such as baby powder, makeup, pharmaceutical tablets, and as a filler in plastics and rubber manufacturing.

 These products illustrate only a fraction of the bulk chemicals products available, highlighting the vast array of applications and industries dependent on them. If you need information on other specific products, feel free to let us know, and we'll do our utmost to assist you.

 Kyanite - Al2SiO5 (CAS# - 1302-74-5)

Kyanite is a mineral primarily composed of aluminum silicate. It forms elongated, bladed crystals with varying shades of blue, gray, or green. Kyanite is valued in industrial applications for its high heat resistance and use as a refractory material, ceramics, abrasives, metallurgical industry and jewelry.

 Asphalt – (CAS# - 8052-42-4)

Asphalt is a mixture of aggregates, binder and filler, used for constructing and maintaining roads, parking areas, railway tracks, ports, airport runways, bicycle lanes, sidewalks and also play- and sport areas. Aggregates used for asphalt mixtures could be crushed rock, sand, gravel or slags.